The dandelion also had a good day. SCORE 137

Motivational toast SCORE 10

Never move an image in MS Word SCORE 203

It's called the Square Root Table SCORE 12

Aww dad! I love you too! SCORE 164

Reasons For Littering SCORE 155

Netflix and… SCORE 171

I always wonder why… SCORE 15

Shout Outs SCORE 223

moms SCORE 116

I know storms are scary. I got you SCORE 15

Computer Genius SCORE 14

Me during school SCORE 13

They Screwed Up Big Time SCORE 16

Dating in a nutshell. SCORE 3

Tinder fail SCORE 163

Don’t Worry, Better Days Are Coming SCORE 10

Cats SCORE 15

Holding hands SCORE 13

*boop* SCORE 16

My life giving opinion SCORE 9

Ok, hear me out. Let’s take 10 spinning blades of death… and attach them to a helicopter SCORE 147

Donald Trump SCORE 12

Bears At Play SCORE 10

Never Trust Those People SCORE 9

Cobra topiary SCORE 16

Do The Thing Already SCORE 12

Life Is Not Fair For Leo SCORE 14

Next level pancake flipping SCORE 159

Definition Of Love By A Child SCORE 145

Be mine SCORE 58

The Golden Girls always throwing shade SCORE 16