Summer Is Coming, A Game Of Foams SCORE 9
Engineering SCORE 197
Count me out SCORE 5
Sounds About Right SCORE 13
The burn ward rises SCORE 190
The Season Treason SCORE 120
Book Smell SCORE 160
She Makes A Terrific Point SCORE 242
What will George R.R. Martin do next? SCORE 194
The irony is just too sad SCORE 12
Lamb, I Am Your Father SCORE 170
*mind explodes* SCORE 180
How I Met Your Mother Cast then and now. Robin totally kicked time's ass SCORE 9
Getting A Tax Refund SCORE 12
Be Patient Everyone SCORE 12
Crochet cactus SCORE 11
Don't leave your phone at church SCORE 214
I’m dying SCORE 140
Shutthefuckupcake SCORE 7
Kids Ruin Everything SCORE 11
Shining, Shimmering, Splendid SCORE 16
How to Write a Blog Post: Cook Your Texty Cake with a Chef SCORE -3
What They Really Found In The Trunk SCORE 11
That’s How You Take A Penalty Kick SCORE 155
I wish rap artists made cereal SCORE 9
John Green is Awesome SCORE 249
She can still hear him SCORE 180
Fun fact SCORE 12
Dog nails the Spider-Man kiss SCORE 9
River Rock Fireplace SCORE 9
My favorite scene from The Office SCORE 13
They're not wrong SCORE 203