Stupidest pun I ever heard. SCORE 206

Ways the world might end. SCORE 148

In an alternate universe. SCORE 242

Do not disturb. SCORE 145

Because I missed you… SCORE 301

Troll in the dungeon. SCORE 382

How narwhals work. SCORE 161

I’m afraid to leave my house now. SCORE 177

World domination step 1. SCORE 151

Toilet paper. SCORE 7

My camera hates me. SCORE 161

How to wrap your house in bacon. SCORE 91

Epic Street Art SCORE 3

How long do animals live? SCORE 127

Frosting the Cupcake SCORE 8

Hotmail SCORE 4

Surprise SCORE 3

Philosophically inquisitive gym socks. SCORE 2

John Stewart, on values. SCORE 231

Masters of Disguise SCORE 9

I love you too. SCORE 221

Scorpions. SCORE 276

Whenever my parents ask me where I’ve been. SCORE 426

True Love SCORE 6

Regrets SCORE 10

Wizard wisdom SCORE 13

Hairless Kitten SCORE 10

If we are made of atoms… SCORE 187

The cast of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, now. SCORE 310

This diagram is entirely nonsensical. SCORE 6

Because Reasons SCORE 145

The world’s most awesome igloo. SCORE 918