the purple pill SCORE 15
just cuz i know what to do doesn’t mean i do it SCORE 16
guess I’m a bit pensive SCORE 14
receipt reception SCORE 5
challenge run! SCORE 32
watering holes SCORE -9
marboba SCORE 17
dough or dough not SCORE 14
story of my life SCORE 13
scary dreams SCORE 30
aangxiety SCORE 7
“i don’t think anyone could derive meaning from /THAT/” SCORE 10
activate the hopperdrive SCORE 34
idk, he seems like a fun guy SCORE 16
a helping hand SCORE -1
just not cut(lery) out for this SCORE 21
forbidden boba SCORE 13
coloradont SCORE 20
read my lips SCORE 10
dud-erstorm SCORE 31
meme fiend SCORE 7
what drug up this conversation? SCORE 4
easy mistake to confuse the two SCORE 10
abducktion SCORE -3
tired of marketplace SCORE 18
roger that SCORE 43
babushkitty kitty kitty SCORE 16
feelin grovy SCORE 14
embarrysing SCORE 32
i don’t care if his prices are exorbitant SCORE 21
now THESE are the dog days!!! SCORE 25
yodiss SCORE -2