Want to come back to my place? SCORE 16

Nice try, Laundry SCORE 8

Someone Should Make A New Font Out Of This SCORE 15

They Are Now Masterpieces SCORE 145

Wonderful Oahu, Hawaii SCORE 15

This Is Kinda True And Depressing SCORE 9

Thunderous an*l wreckage SCORE 17

Fun fact SCORE 122

This guy is calling Trump out SCORE 187

Parking: Nailed it. SCORE 121

Someone vandalized Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star SCORE 75

Fun Life Hacks SCORE 12

I promise I'm not having a stroke SCORE 114

Like Pine SCORE 11

A replica of a uterus SCORE 112

Didn’t Know You Could Mail Such a Thing SCORE 14

Why Chris Pratt is the best at being a human SCORE 266

So This Is How It Happens SCORE 13

It’s Sadly True SCORE 167

Microwaving A CD SCORE 16

Art SCORE 136

Dear history channel: SCORE 10

One Wise Lady SCORE 136

Daily Routine SCORE 11

Sushi Burritos are a thing that exists SCORE 11

The Keys Are Alive, With The Sound Of Tiny Puppies SCORE 150

Your Successful Friends SCORE 11

Name generator for bands of indescribable genres SCORE 7

Secret confessions of the working class SCORE 73

Languages SCORE 157

Beware Of The Crocs SCORE 143

Baby Sloth SCORE 14