what happens when you put your car in the dryer SCORE 14

this is the most accurate lifecycle of sunglasses chart i’ve ever seen SCORE 25

what you want vs what you can afford… SCORE 11

comfort food after a long day SCORE 25

the devolution of being social as you get older SCORE 13

let’s make french fry boards trend SCORE 33

you have stumbled upon the secret meeting of grandmothers. you are not allowed to leave SCORE 14

those 48 hours are pure magic though SCORE 20

time to find out if you’re really a human or actually a robot SCORE 17

Necroprancer: you can’t beat this dead horse SCORE 25

it’s just a spicy memory. can you handle the heat? SCORE 18

do you know where your birth certificate is? SCORE 18

an easy to understand timeline of events SCORE 23

turns out batman was the super villain all along SCORE 28

how pixar was able to keep don rickles as the voice of mr potato head in toy story 4 SCORE 36

the plot of alien explained SCORE 31

some birds just want to watch the world burn SCORE 24

defund the hoa! SCORE 34

best friends who can never be separated SCORE 38

what does it mean a dog’s eyes go like this? SCORE 24

dogs are always ready to celebrate SCORE 36

this is me at peak performance SCORE 14

always willing to discuss cats SCORE 21

wholesome happy father’s day SCORE 13

kylo ren really was a lot more like his grandfather than anyone else SCORE 12

new house on the market with plenty of parking SCORE 16

why i don’t turn my camera on during video calls SCORE 17

happily divorced SCORE 24

i love birds say the lovebirds SCORE 22

the cost of gas compared to how much you have left in your tank SCORE -8

nothing work than waking up late to run like a mad cat at 4 am SCORE 14

buffalo wings, sweet chili wings, bbq wings, lemon pepper wing. let’s talk about wings SCORE 11