I cleared my cookies… SCORE 72
Card night at meme palace. SCORE 114
I never said half the crap people say I did. – A. Einstein SCORE 119
Bringing sexy back, for America. SCORE 92
Power lifting. SCORE 3
Om nom nom. SCORE 128
Hollywood’s waning creativity. SCORE 62
iPhone 5 Cases SCORE -8
Ninja attack in 3… 2… SCORE 81
When Comics Collide = Adorable SCORE 9
How to catch a kangaroo. SCORE 42
Scribble portraits. SCORE 225
Medals of dishonor. SCORE 91
Some men just want to watch the world learn. SCORE 103
Biggest financial scam in history revealed. SCORE 217
Pillow negotiations. SCORE 116
A Ron Swanson quilt. SCORE 69
How was it for you, darling? SCORE 237
My plan B. SCORE 131
How to troll. SCORE 267
The sad truth. SCORE 129
Suspicious chihuahua is leery of your religious pamphlets. SCORE 162
Can I keep your eggs? SCORE 60
It’s fun to stay at the… SCORE 106
I found George W. Bush’s Checklist SCORE 81
The Guide to understanding Twilight SCORE 49
Cats vs. dogs. SCORE 114
I have butterflies in my stomach… SCORE 101
Keep calm and… SCORE 163
Don’t discriminate. SCORE 193
The rest of the biological clock. SCORE 112