Wizarding Law SCORE 16
Maximum fail. SCORE 199
Life Rules SCORE 4
In an alternate universe. SCORE 303
A Card SCORE 163
Yes please. SCORE 122
I turn into a ninja. SCORE 79
Petting Chart SCORE 0
Holiday leftovers tetris. SCORE 96
Adorable Attack SCORE 3
Jaws SCORE 170
Hathaway SCORE 367
Doctor Song SCORE 30
Cheese SCORE 19
Just Harry and Hagrid on a bus SCORE 11
So much fail, just stop SCORE 4
Mom of the Year Award SCORE 10
Relationship Rules SCORE 11
Life Plane SCORE 139
Wheel of Fortune SCORE 244
Faith in humanity, restored. SCORE 361
Doctor Whooooo SCORE 138
Some men … SCORE 2
English? SCORE 265
Welcome to the Internet SCORE 251
Make a Backup SCORE 2
Exempt SCORE 8
Dwarves Cheat Sheet SCORE 0
You had one job SCORE 15
Facts. SCORE 148
Meh… SCORE 82