Baby Parrots SCORE 145
My mom saw nothing wrong with this candle SCORE 14
Sometimes You Don’t Know What You Really Want SCORE 131
Excuse us SCORE 5
Oh, thats a… WOAH SCORE 169
My Plans Every Morning SCORE 8
The Big Bang Theory Meets Disney SCORE 177
Louis CK knows what’s up SCORE 120
Gravity Explained SCORE 14
Early Contenders For Best Halloween Costume SCORE 177
Shatner! SCORE 11
Eternal kiss SCORE 13
There are some good people in the world still SCORE 176
The Kitty Mermaid SCORE 10
Free Elf SCORE 8
This must end SCORE 7
Society in 2015 be like SCORE 169
When Life Gives You Lemons SCORE 112
The Pope’s Most Persistent Enemy SCORE 131
What do you mean you have to leave? SCORE 10
Great Halloween idea SCORE 11
Tree Root Bridge India SCORE 10
Mythbusters put a wedge on the front of a truck and the results are awesome SCORE 11
don’t tell me racism doesn’t still exist in america SCORE 14
I die a little bit each time. SCORE 12
The Ice Cube Tray Redesigned SCORE 13
Animals In Words SCORE 108
Saw this on twitter SCORE 10
"I have the perfect hiding spot…." SCORE 12
The Reason The Heart Is Shaped The Way It Is SCORE 12
Meow? SCORE 174
This Is So Wrong, But The Taste Is So Right SCORE 7