hanging on by a thread SCORE 18
needin’ memin’ SCORE 12
it all adds up SCORE 21
cookie, anyone? SCORE 20
real life pokémon SCORE 29
well good job, you just caused the end of everything SCORE 4
sv_godmode 1 SCORE 15
boil ’em, mash ’em, put ’em in a stew… SCORE 10
out of ink? SCORE 20
geetting cross SCORE 25
your blanket burrito means something SCORE 34
archery dad joke SCORE 32
this would make me tear up SCORE 7
catnap SCORE 17
negative, i don’t believe it SCORE 11
toil over oil SCORE 8
darkness everywhere SCORE 24
not giving a flying hoot SCORE 27
feeling gouda about myself SCORE 29
product bug issues SCORE 18
mystical statistical SCORE 16
try angles SCORE 20
pristine saltine SCORE 21
christmas is canned SCORE 34
gabagool girl SCORE 5
pudding all you got into it SCORE 18
honkhonkhonk SCORE 13
one or the other SCORE 16
a burden only to bear SCORE 30
the paw-phecy is complete SCORE 30
splintered printer SCORE 33
feeling called out rn SCORE 8