Even more convenient SCORE 9
Me as a lawyer SCORE 14
We Need To Fund This SCORE 173
Baby gibbon SCORE 9
What a Caring Old Man SCORE 16
Kitten Toes SCORE 15
"I need this" SCORE 18
Punctuation is important. SCORE 16
Supernatural guys SCORE 233
Seriously… Go Socialize Somewhere Else SCORE 13
Two Types Of Men In This World SCORE 5
So convenient SCORE 157
The real Subway spokesman SCORE 12
Military jeep in a crate SCORE 96
Cat Of The Month SCORE 11
I'm Never Going To The Second Floor SCORE 12
We all know the feeling SCORE 13
One Happy Dog SCORE 9
The British during their summer. SCORE 164
Sound wave bracelet. SCORE 10
Native Americans Agree SCORE 141
The Right Way Of Asking Someone Out SCORE 109
So tired of the in my day argument SCORE 159
Making some Aussie friends SCORE 133
Roses are like the color red SCORE 185
I used to imagine it was an animal SCORE 194
A Hand That’s Doesn’t Know How To Hand SCORE 7
You can do it SCORE 118
laughing for dayz SCORE 150
Saw this at a church in Florida SCORE 6
"Sorry to BEE of any bother to you." SCORE 15
He knows SCORE 17