Fat person Vs Skinny person cross section SCORE 1

Sometimes I wish I was born in the future when we have the ability to understand more of this. SCORE 135

Savage mom SCORE 204

First day as drug dealer SCORE 155

Me as a Disney Princess SCORE 135

Miniature Bob Ross. SCORE 15

Sad But Regrettably True SCORE 11

OK Thanks Kid SCORE 15

Ah the memories SCORE 180

He Was Ready For The Challenge SCORE 14

Got plans? SCORE 12

Petty revenge SCORE 207

French People SCORE 14

Every Doctor’s Office Has One SCORE 153

He Really Believes In You SCORE 9

Good Guys Working At LEGO SCORE 138

Roller Coaster Prank Idea SCORE 12

The man, the legend. SCORE 226

Elsa Loves Life SCORE 127

The World Is Unfair SCORE 1

Nyctophilia SCORE 9

Way Too Cold SCORE 134

I like my job SCORE 6

Well played family…. Well played SCORE 185


Never Quit SCORE 11

Developers will understand SCORE 16

Very true SCORE 1

Life Motto SCORE 11

Joke’s on you SCORE 179

If you can’t find the motivation.. SCORE 147

Oh What Have You Done, Peter Jackson? SCORE 163