Motivational toast SCORE 10

Ok, hear me out. Let’s take 10 spinning blades of death… and attach them to a helicopter SCORE 147

Never move an image in MS Word SCORE 203

Aww dad! I love you too! SCORE 164

The Golden Girls always throwing shade SCORE 16

Bears At Play SCORE 10

Tinder fail SCORE 163

Donald Trump SCORE 12

Reasons For Littering SCORE 155

*boop* SCORE 16

moms SCORE 116

Be mine SCORE 58

My life giving opinion SCORE 9

Dating in a nutshell. SCORE 3

Never Trust Those People SCORE 9

Terrible jokes illustrated SCORE 16

Me during school SCORE 13

Holding hands SCORE 13

Shout Outs SCORE 223

Cats SCORE 15

They Screwed Up Big Time SCORE 16

I always wonder why… SCORE 15

Netflix and… SCORE 171

Definition Of Love By A Child SCORE 145

Computer Genius SCORE 14

It's called the Square Root Table SCORE 12

Next level pancake flipping SCORE 159

Cobra topiary SCORE 16

Do The Thing Already SCORE 12

I know storms are scary. I got you SCORE 15

Life Is Not Fair For Leo SCORE 14

Don’t Worry, Better Days Are Coming SCORE 10