I know I did SCORE 12
Accurate SCORE 185
Say no more.. SCORE 10
I Hope This One’s Nice SCORE 118
The World Would Definitely Be A Better Place SCORE 133
A new perspective SCORE 176
What Boba Fett Does In His Free Time SCORE 11
My brain just caught fire and makes my eye twitch SCORE 141
Why We’ll Be Best Friends Forever SCORE 2
Add Enough Bacon And You Can Improve Anything SCORE 10
Look At These Guys And Their Bowlcuts SCORE 145
I'm lovin it SCORE 7
When Comcast Tries to Fire Shots SCORE 134
Jon Snow White SCORE 95
Keep This In Mind In Case Of Emergency SCORE 3
What is known as "The Change." SCORE 118
Home Theater Made Out Of Pallets SCORE 126
I swear to BABY JESUS SCORE 77
Every Friday Night SCORE 81
This little kid ruled his halloween school party SCORE 147
The pizza place REALLY screwed up his order SCORE 6
One donut to rule them all SCORE 10
The Proper Way To Fight Sadness SCORE 94
The Difference Between Real Money And Monopoly Money SCORE 14
Chauffeur Koala Knows What He’s Doing SCORE 8
For Those Who Grew Up On Disney Movies SCORE 2
My teen self, learning to pick up women SCORE 10
My relationship with books SCORE 9
Epic paul erdos SCORE 12
Some Truths About Australia SCORE 6
Halloween dog SCORE 138