Kittens! SCORE 158
How many licks? SCORE 219
Why I don’t play Monopoly anymore. SCORE 345
Love SCORE 201
World famous drawing. SCORE 2
Unstoppable!! SCORE 202
Beautiful Scenery SCORE 7
Canadian middle finger. SCORE 116
Dumbledore Logic SCORE 178
Cats are jerks. SCORE 106
Must live in Bikini Bottom SCORE 6
Fandoms SCORE 21
Well, I think this about sums up man’s time on earth. SCORE 4
Stereotypes. SCORE 303
The dangers of cat nip. SCORE 160
Selfies in space. SCORE 8
The sleep comfort mystery. SCORE 130
A ghost’s schedule. SCORE 98
…and that’s why Leonerd’s my favorite SCORE 12
Versus hearts. SCORE 161
Furniture. SCORE 142
Kitty! SCORE 103
The creative process. SCORE 90
Would you rather… SCORE -1
My cat thinks she’s Superwoman. SCORE 78
Having Children SCORE 14
The original angry bird. SCORE 132
Puppy! SCORE 96
Bane freestyles. SCORE 35
Spoons, they make you fat! SCORE 126
Jade Valley Coffee SCORE 2
Bob Ross, on happiness. SCORE 270