That Feeling You Get When You’re Not A Vegan… SCORE 13
Haunting SCORE 161
Life goal SCORE -2
When you show your mom a pic on your phone and she starts swiping SCORE 2
Ear hats! SCORE 11
To Unfold Ears Boop Nose Carefully SCORE 6
Suspicious quotation marks… SCORE 101
When A Nurse Takes Up Gardening… SCORE 116
Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle SCORE 78
Asparagus hauling SCORE 16
When I Was A Kid I Thought Adults Knew… SCORE 15
Barney Stinson everyone SCORE -8
When You See A Cockroach… SCORE 5
Urinals at The Shard in London SCORE 11
This Is The Cost Of A Rattlesnake Bite In America. SCORE 6
Moving from undergrad to unemployed. SCORE 8
Crash test: the difference 50 years makes SCORE 131
The Pattern… SCORE 8
If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans SCORE 77
These donuts in Japan SCORE 11
I need this in my life. SCORE 12
The problems of our time SCORE -2
I see what you did there. SCORE 2
Googled “askew”, the page was askew! SCORE 5
Seems Legit SCORE 163
The future. SCORE 0
Dry wet soft hard mud SCORE 12
The best language barrier story SCORE 139
Mars: Come Over… SCORE 10
I’m not ego… SCORE -1
My brother everyone. SCORE 13
when a drummer dresses like a pug SCORE -30