Following their Corgi SCORE 93
In case you missed the halftime show… SCORE 9
My cousin found this at his university SCORE 16
I’m so thankful I had a childhood before technology took over SCORE 11
Unique travel photo idea. SCORE 161
Cheat day. SCORE 10
How to Celebrate St.Valentine’s Day on A Student Budget. Infographic SCORE 4
Me in class. SCORE 15
#treatyoself2015 SCORE 9
Best weather app ever. SCORE 10
Day vs. Night from space. SCORE 190
Fire!!! SCORE 8
I agree. SCORE 134
What atheists cry out during sex. SCORE -4
Poor Rue! SCORE 139
Friends. SCORE 252
awkward SCORE 142
Harry Potter lessons. SCORE 213
Selena GOmez SCORE 11
my public service announcements SCORE 10
Exactly.. SCORE 130
Inferior technology. SCORE 15
When I tried to test the validity of this statement. SCORE 15
Racist! SCORE 2
On being sick. SCORE 140
My greatest hits SCORE 160
Life with and without a cat. SCORE 9
Kanye knows how to love. SCORE 10
At the space bar. SCORE 12
A Baby Jaguar cuddling with a baby Panther SCORE 17
Ouch! SCORE 7
No offense… SCORE 16