Picture day win SCORE 157
Medical Advice SCORE 5
Food You Have To Eat To Be Healthy SCORE 139
I believe him. SCORE 13
Cordwood floor DIY project I saw online SCORE 124
The program at Muhammad Ali’s funeral SCORE 117
Why I’m still single SCORE 10
Clever WiFi Name SCORE 8
That Guy Is Huge SCORE 140
Hitting The Hay SCORE 121
When you gotta make a statement SCORE 11
Modern romance SCORE 8
Rawr SCORE 8
The Importance Of Punctuation SCORE 6
This half popped bubble SCORE 17
I don’t normally giggle but anything that makes me is worth sharing SCORE 153
On The Way Back From The Club And Your Jam Comes On SCORE 10
Petting an owl SCORE 215
The Truth About The Friendzone SCORE 275
Migaloo, An Epic Albino Humpback SCORE 11
Big money SCORE 12
As The Great Jordan Belfort Once Said SCORE 9
We Do Love Americans SCORE 15
Overprotecting bear just wants to be kind SCORE 7
Creativity Goes A Long Way! SCORE 258
Catch Me If You Can… Please Catch Me SCORE 12
No DNA Test Needed In This Case SCORE 16
Fiction vs. Reality SCORE 168
When my blinkers aren’t in time with the car ahead of me. SCORE 126
Fear That You’re Being Watched By A Duck SCORE 13
No truer words. I really wish I learn these earlier. SCORE 236
This sounded really nice until I read the italics SCORE 176