Dog Hero SCORE -43
The most Russian headline I have ever seen SCORE 117
How did Hitler feel about territory? SCORE 115
Five Doctors SCORE 90
Once you realize that you don’t need a special occasion to buy cake… SCORE 119
You are the vacuum cleaner SCORE 119
Cat Person SCORE 108
He Deserves A Peace Prize SCORE 145
South Park has a pretty amazing take on sadness. SCORE 101
When your teacher asks you to explain your work. SCORE 116
Saving A Dog SCORE 114
Children don’t lie. SCORE 141
Not everyone has two legs. SCORE 81
My Roommates SCORE 44
These Aren’t Just Any Daily Commuters SCORE 141
I Love The Way The Earth Rotates.. SCORE 125
The Poison Garden SCORE 96
Watching Beauty And The Beast SCORE 30
America and Britain are having a competition… SCORE 83
Straight outta Winterfell SCORE 43
Mom, am I ugly? SCORE 38
I Need A Couple Of These SCORE 67
He Still Hasn’t Woken Up Yet? SCORE 79
Google knows what you mean… SCORE 83
Here’s A Better Title For The Books SCORE 83
The Little Test That Boggles Your Mind SCORE 48
Winding River SCORE 88
When you see someone 1000X hotter than you… SCORE 67
Darth Vader Empire Style SCORE 96
Kanye West’s Dog SCORE 107
If Only Spiders Could Actually Talk SCORE 100