giant ice cream sandwich SCORE 25

replacement smoke detector SCORE 14

i’ll just text you SCORE 13

love yourself SCORE 17

autocorrector SCORE 24

caught by surprise SCORE 31

what adults really meant SCORE 35

classic literature analyzed SCORE 41

the official start of summer SCORE 14

make like a tree SCORE 39

it’s the thought that counts, door dash SCORE 26

in my soul SCORE 33

what is his problem? SCORE 23

how to effectively distract your boyfriend SCORE 34

posing with every book he’s written SCORE 26

fastest way to end an argument SCORE 18

strongly agree SCORE 17

ratatouille international SCORE 46

the greatest lie ever told SCORE 16

high school drama SCORE 7

dr. ken jeong SCORE 12

one of the best childhood memories SCORE 27

anyone ever have this question? SCORE 24

i promise i’m listening SCORE -10

clothes for drunk people SCORE 16

an owl running SCORE 34

chef boyardee on wheels SCORE 11

childhood ruined SCORE 15

prehistoric planet SCORE 3

free roomba SCORE 15

inventing the cheese slicer SCORE 38

glue gun stanley SCORE 30