Hail the queen! SCORE 30
Never could figure that one out… SCORE 18
Fractional babies are problematic. SCORE 25
Layers are important. SCORE 30
Gyna baaaad SCORE 22
Elephant shrews are more closely related to elephants than they are shrews, BTW. SCORE 21
Small town USA, in an echo chamber. SCORE 36
Deep breaths ladies, you deserve it! SCORE 23
I Am The One Who Knock-Diddly-Ocks SCORE 10
Wrecked. SCORE 28
Really not winning at much, are we? SCORE 30
The dolphins tried to warn us SCORE 31
Onwards, to battle! SCORE 27
I fitted. SCORE 27
Workers eradicate first nest of ‘murder hornets’ found in US SCORE 26
Tarantulas molt their fangs, apparently. SCORE 14
That was a close one SCORE 17
Then… she got… THE SPRAY BOTTLE!!! SCORE 22
A god among men. SCORE 27
Can’t have nice things SCORE 26
I’m improving my best! SCORE 21
Teach your children well. SCORE 19
Hold on to your butts! SCORE 24
Source the apathy. SCORE 37
We need to talk… SCORE 21
Quite possibly I am adept at avoiding answering questions. SCORE 32
Moms always clap. SCORE 20
Another thing to stress about every morning. SCORE 25
deuces… SCORE 28
Don’t step on a leaf or you’ll break your nephews neck. SCORE 28