The 10 seasons of Wisconsin SCORE 23
Never forget SCORE 37
The offer stands. SCORE 30
I need answers. STAT MEANS NOW! SCORE 24
Smooood SCORE 24
It does matter a lot, actually. SCORE 31
It sitz… SCORE 24
Memories… sweet, sweet memories. SCORE 29
Mind ya self. SCORE 30
Keep her away from the cafeteria… tho. SCORE 32
Birds with hats. SCORE 27
Metal sharks SCORE 34
Trump Scandal Bingo SCORE 24
Climb the higher education ramp! SCORE 36
I know she does SCORE 25
Should have gotten an Astro van… SCORE 17
Canadian Econony in a jar. SCORE 23
She’s beauty and she’s grace… SCORE 48
Big facts… SCORE 29
Adventures of tiny cat. SCORE 33
Fruit in the bowl ™ SCORE 32
You used to hold me like that… SCORE 25
Werebees… SCORE 29
Spawn of the unholy one, maker of chaos. SCORE 20
Cleanse the world. SCORE 20
You kiddin’ me righ now? SCORE 32
The problem with Georgia… SCORE 34
Leave the deer alone, actually. SCORE 39
Get dads dogs… SCORE 28
What’s that, dearie? SCORE 24
Cry, cry if you want to. SCORE 38