Dead Bug SCORE -18
Polite Elephant SCORE 285
A very important Protip SCORE 131
Jennifer lawrence’s talent SCORE 228
It’s so fluffy! SCORE 147
Whoniverse actors who were on Game of Thrones SCORE 15
A little drinking problem. SCORE 121
RIP old technology. SCORE 161
Apple updated their exec page today. SCORE -9
Prague at Dusk SCORE 200
Fabulous! SCORE 120
What are all of these buttons?! And what do they do?! SCORE 102
Animal petting charts. SCORE 4
Before and after shaving SCORE 147
Some facts. SCORE 136
Finally something I can relate to on justgirlythings SCORE 132
Change It SCORE 12
Interior Design Over The Last 50 Years SCORE 8
Canadian victims of theft. SCORE 129
Mind. Blown. SCORE 202
Try kidnapping! SCORE 139
Gluten free! SCORE 135
The benefits of long hair. SCORE 200
Personal Trainer SCORE 12
Club can’t even handle me rite meow!! SCORE 11
I’m silently correcting your grammar. SCORE 141
Beautiful Pool SCORE 12
Contact Supernatural Fandom For More Info SCORE 197
Hug a hedgehog. SCORE 150
Taj the Tiger SCORE 238
I support this idea SCORE 198
Patient vs. survivor SCORE 207