I just love cats, ok? SCORE 126
I’m going to need some of these. SCORE 189
The character of a man… oh wait. SCORE 334
Every time. SCORE 135
The Karate Kid is The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. SCORE 309
Baby it’s hot in here, open some Windows. SCORE 183
Coolness of not caring. SCORE 146
Scumbag brain. SCORE 199
Sounds delicious. SCORE 248
How I feel about “Fifty Shades of Grey.” SCORE 198
Realistic Google+ circles. SCORE 237
The dangers of being super cool. SCORE 165
Did you do something different with your hair? SCORE 145
When I eat sour Patch Kids. SCORE 183
If the authors of computer programming books wrote arithmetic textbooks… SCORE 274
When Instagram goes down. SCORE 157
Get meowta here. SCORE 123
Nursing home problems. SCORE 319
The truth about Hot Pockets. SCORE 275
Dawg, why you gotta be all up in my grill? SCORE 256
Scumbag Sarah McLachlan. SCORE 191
I like you. SCORE 215
Trolley the procrastination troll. SCORE 194
Broken Condomicon. SCORE 182
Waking up to a bear claw in your face. SCORE 146
Every young man should learn how to change a tire. SCORE 243
There’s an app for that. SCORE 301
I’ll kill you with my bear hands!! SCORE 138
During this heatwave… SCORE 172
Domestic Wolverine. SCORE 176
What your hot dog toppings say about you. SCORE 190