Now it’s only fair SCORE 18

Seriously, I Can’t Be The Only One SCORE 17

And The Winner Gets A Gum Ball SCORE 11

As A Girl, This Is So True SCORE 14

Savage SCORE 103

Can I Get A Big Hug? SCORE 18

They had a little landslide in Taiwan SCORE 9

Supernatural in a nutshell SCORE 128

Puberty Was Not Kind SCORE 15

Ready For Walkies You Say? SCORE 143

Ya know…stuff happens SCORE 192

The Bank Of Time SCORE 2

What Did I Just Read? SCORE 116

So You Decide SCORE 77

Never Realized How Big Africa Really Is Until Now SCORE 14

The World Through The Eyes Of Costanza SCORE 9

It’s Heaven For OCD People SCORE 13

Meanwhile, in Texas. SCORE 19

Only 90’s kids will get this SCORE 127

A Simple Thank You SCORE 75

It’s like a question at a presidential debate; no one has any real answer SCORE 128

Facts Vs. Beliefs SCORE 134

Monday vibes SCORE 8

Smartest Man Alive SCORE 138

Trump Card SCORE 193

Oh So That’s His Fuel SCORE 191

There’s always that one song SCORE 83

When You Mix Graffiti And Trees SCORE 99

Hipster bunny SCORE 8

Couldn’t Be Any More True SCORE 11

Nations That Are Not Hated SCORE 146

Valid source of vegetables. SCORE 138