I think everyone can relate SCORE 10
Feeling Pretty Old At The Moment SCORE 7
Joke’s On You, Mom SCORE 14
Well, I Have No Words SCORE 155
Intense And Innocent At The Same Time SCORE 16
Why everyone should go to college SCORE 10
Morgan beeman SCORE 192
RIP boiled water SCORE 141
Beetles As Jurassic Park Characters SCORE 11
Colin Is A True Book Lover SCORE 166
shout out to the generous houses SCORE 15
Little Dwight Schrute SCORE 118
They are genius SCORE 13
This Should Be A Thing At Every Single Restaurant In The World SCORE 186
This Barber Has A Heart Of Gold SCORE 15
And lose 95% of their family and friends! SCORE 11
"I’d like to buy an I" SCORE 3
Life On Another Planet SCORE -8
Epic Cameo Appearances SCORE 135
Pretty Sure I’d Like To Meet This Chris Guy SCORE 135
DIY Awesome Glowing Shelves SCORE 151
My God, they've done it.. A magnetic cookie dunker SCORE 112
When I Hear Complaints About My Driving SCORE 14
Something You Probably Didn’t Know About The Princess Bride SCORE 118
True Words from a funny man SCORE 3
Best way to let everyone know that your baby was born SCORE 14
So That’s Why Thor’s Hammer Couldn’t Break It SCORE 143
Pikas are awfully cute SCORE 9
when you ask your boss to go home early SCORE 11
Regardless of what we believe in politically, this is bad.. SCORE 69
Two scientists walk into a bar. SCORE 188
Tuna Can Battlefield SCORE -1