Fly, you fools SCORE 142
Here’s a table that is held by the buckets that are on it SCORE 180
Baby turtle running to the safety of the sea shore SCORE 179
AA Meeting SCORE 159
Heart attack. Oh my gosh. SCORE -20
Momma chicken. SCORE 168
Oreo breakfast. SCORE 12
My father really takes this t-shirt to heart. SCORE 207
Ghost math. SCORE 201
Three degrees of curiosity SCORE 176
Extrovert vs. introvert. SCORE 177
In retrospect, maybe it was a bad idea. SCORE 8
Katpiss Never Clean SCORE 183
Words. SCORE 214
The world needs a sarcasm emoticon SCORE 10
It’s dangerous to go alone. SCORE 220
They hate elf on a shelf as much as I do. SCORE 179
Piggy bath SCORE 16
Recent college grads will understand SCORE 130
Realistic resolutions for the new year. SCORE 169
Other people during the winter vs. me. SCORE 223
Every New Year’s Eve. SCORE 14
Seriously though. SCORE 153
When did you realize they were the one? SCORE 299
Frodo? SCORE 269
Recreating famous scenes with cardboard and baby. SCORE 218
Great sign language SCORE 13
Twins. SCORE 221
Much unexpected, very entertain SCORE 173
I think I have too many tabs open… SCORE 230
Eyes SCORE 2
19 sayings fixed. SCORE 102