Cartoonists fighting back for Paris. SCORE 274
Cat fight. SCORE 110
Why storm troopers can’t shoot straight. SCORE 125
Words SCORE 192
Poor Jimmy. SCORE 187
At the end of a YouTube video SCORE 152
Reincarnation gone horribly wrong SCORE 163
Who else sees these? SCORE 152
Lord of the Rings! SCORE 186
Harry Potter feels. SCORE 176
Burn! SCORE 156
Being an introvert SCORE 186
unreliable SCORE 97
I apologize. my religious beliefs are terribly naive. SCORE 13
lack of Sherlock intensifies SCORE 183
The cutest of the cute. SCORE 226
Terminator, the composer. SCORE 14
Party pooper. SCORE 181
Found your stop SCORE 14
rawr SCORE 6
Girls after they shave their legs. SCORE 12
Poor storm troopers. SCORE 17
Rock, Paper, Scissors X-TREME SCORE 129
Monotony Monopoly. SCORE 85
"It’s a trap!" Trap SCORE 108
Poor Leo. SCORE 150
If you want your son to be badass… SCORE 16
Life without internet. SCORE 172
Saw this at the office SCORE 583
Artistic license. SCORE 182
Censorship SCORE 155
Cleavage. SCORE 12