This plant, devil’s fungus, hatches from an egg. SCORE 116
Cool Way To Raise Money For Charity… SCORE 148
We’re gonna need another duvet! SCORE 72
True love knows no fences SCORE 157
Pack only the basics SCORE 127
This is my fortress SCORE 107
The simulated night sky on a red eye flight SCORE 145
Stop saying “I wish” SCORE 141
A Purposeful Wife on Amelia Earhart SCORE 119
Never fails SCORE 59
Avoiding life… SCORE 84
Thanks, Oliver North SCORE 118
At least her day wasn’t ruff. SCORE 65
Revenge of Harambe SCORE 61
the summer struggle is real SCORE 100
Taste the Rainbow SCORE 138
We need Magneto!! SCORE 143
Parents got this RSVP card to their friend’s wedding SCORE 151
Hopefully You Learned Your Lesson SCORE 53
Mt. Fuji cutting through the clouds SCORE 180
Take that back SCORE 142
When someone serves salad SCORE 102
Summer is alright. SCORE 102
Success cat with the assist SCORE 83
My local police force doesn’t get enough credit for keeping scumbags like this off the streets. SCORE 122
Cat Tells A Joke SCORE 95
Visual Effects have come a long way SCORE 119
Extremely cute bodyguard SCORE 114
Forest Pupper SCORE 134
Moisturize me! SCORE 189
#shapedlikeafriend SCORE 68
A mama nope protecting her baby nopes SCORE 88